Meme Mountain

Healthy Eating, John Lewis and a Shepherd #LittleLoves

It has been a dreary old week hasn’t it, a wet weekend followed by a wet and windy week.  We have been busy with birthdays, parent’s evening and a hospital appointment. Definitely ready for the weekend (do I say that every week?)


I have been reading my Jamie Oliver Superfood recipe book and decided to make his Skinny Carbonara dish this weekend, I have been feeling really bleugh lately and I am determined to get back to some Healthy Eating again.

Jamie Oliver Everyday Superfood

There is also a tomato and mushroom pasta on the Deliciously Ella website which looks yummy!


I saw the new John Lewis Christmas advert this week, which I thought was amazing. Nobody quite does it like John Lewis do they?


A bikini! We took the girls swimming on Sunday morning, Amelia goes to weekly swimming lessons but Harri hasn’t been to a swimming pool since our holiday in the summer so it was good to get her back in the water, which she loved.  A nice morning all round.

We also went to a firework display last Saturday which was in a field and after a day of rain wellies were a must!


I have heard a lot of chatter from my baby girl, Harri’s speech has come along so much in the last few weeks. I can now have full blown conversations with her, it is just amazing. She is growing up so fast, I can’t believe my baby is no longer a baby!

A day with Miss Harri


A lot of Peppermint tea, I have been feeling so sluggish and bloated lately I have been drinking lots of peppermint tea to settle my stomach. I am quite enjoying it.

And Lastly

I am feeling so excited for Christmas, Meme has been told what she is going to be in her Christmas play…a Shepherd! She is not at all happy about it – we have even had some tears, she is such a girly girl the thought of being dressed as a boy fills her with fear. I have tried to tell her that Shepherds can be girls too but she wont listen  – it is all character building! I cant wait to see her in it!

11 thoughts on “Healthy Eating, John Lewis and a Shepherd #LittleLoves

  1. Oh I’m waiting to hear what H is going to be in the nativity!! John Lewis definitely nail it each year.. Although Sainsburys have given them a run for their money this year, have you seen theirs? Just watched it, very good! Have a wonderful weekend xx


  2. The nativity play always causes us a few ‘moments’. I remember when OJ was cast as a sheep and got most upset. I’m sure Meme will be an amazing shepherd and ace her role.
    I like the JL advert but think Sainsburys have the edge with their Mog advert, it’s super cute. Have a great week x


  3. Aww bless her! I feel her pain, I was a shepherd every year in primary school! Although I’m sure the costumes these days are much better than your school uniform with a tea towel on your head!

    I seriously need to get my hands on Jamie Oliver’s new book and take a look at Deliciously Ella’s website, I’m feeling a bit bleurgh at the moment too.

    Have a great weekend x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh bless Meme upset about being a shepherd-i hope she loves it when she gets to it.
    The Superfoods book must be one of the only Jamie ones we haven’t got, so think it’ll be on the Xmas list. I loved the John Lewis advert and agree no-one seems to top them x


  5. I love that Jamie Oliver cookbook, so many yummy recipes!
    I remember my eldest going through a similar thing in her school nativity. Though she was really excited when her friend was sick and she got to replace her as an angel..!! xx


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